California legislators have introduced another bad bill AB 549
Please submit your letter of opposition to AB549. Here is a template letter of which you can download, copy and/or personalize and then submit by uploading it by following the directions below at the bottom of this alert to the legislative portal.
Please submit your letters ASAP. This bill doesn’t have a hearing set yet but could be heard in Assembly Committee on Emergency Management.
Here is our submitted letter of opposition for your reference.
- Submit a letter opposing AB549 to the legislative portal.
Instructions for submitting a letter of opposition to AB 549 via the legislative portal are below.
● Use the google link above to download, quickly personalize and attach your letter to be uploaded.
● Click this link to access the portal.
○ Create an account if you do not already have one.
○ Click on “Submit a Letter”
○ Select a bill
■ Measure: AB 549
○ Session Type: Regular
○ Click “Search”
○ Select Stance: Oppose
○ Enter Your Stance
■ Option 1: Type in why you are opposing AB 549; or
■ Option 2 (Recommended) Check the box labeled “Submit a letter instead.” Subject: Oppose AB 549
○ Upload your letter, review, and submit. Send us a note letting us know you submitted an opposition letter please. info(AT)